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2.21.16- Sunday Update + The Week Ahead

By February 21, 2016July 12th, 2017Announcements, WOD

Nutrition Challengers– Benchmark workouts will be TUESDAY of this week. Please be sure to get these completed by the end of the week as well as your after photos. Congratulations on a job well done. We are extremely excited to see/hear about your successes. Winners will be announced Friday at our first FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS for 16.1 of the CF Open.

Our schedule for the 5 weeks of the Open will be as followed on Friday Nights:

  • 4:15pm CrossFit
  • 5:15pm CrossFit Lite
  • 6-9 PM Friday Night Lights 

If you are planning on doing the Open workouts, but are unable to attend Friday’s, your other options are to complete the workouts Sunday at Open gym or during our 5:15PM CrossFit Lite class on Monday. You will be responsible for getting yourself a judge. 

**Schedule changes effective Monday 2/22**

  • CrossFit LITE will be 5x/week starting Monday 2/22 at 5:15pm. DAYCARE services will only be provided M/W/F. Please do not bring your children when daycare services are not available. Thank you for your understanding. 
  • Endurance Class will be moved to Sunday’s at 8AM. Focus will be Active Recovery, Endurance and Mobility. 
  • NEXT LEVEL class will be CANCELLED Monday’s and Friday’s during the 5 weeks of the Open. There will still be a 7AM Wednesday Next Level class. Normal schedule will resume at the conclusion of the CF Open. 
  • CrossFit Teens will be cancelled on Tuesdays until further notice starting 3/1/16.

*Please always check/confirm in Wodify if you are unsure of the new schedule

The week ahead:

Monday- Deads and AMRAPS

Tuesday- Nutrition Challenge Benchmarks!

Wednesday- Cleans and Open Workout

Thursday- Mobility and EMOM

Friday- 16.1???

Saturday- TBD after 16.1

Sunday- Endurance, Barbell Club and OG


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