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Sunday Update + Announcements

By January 31, 2016July 12th, 2017Announcements, WOD


  1. Today is the LAST DAY to sign up and register for our 2016 Open Prep Nutrition Challenge! 30 days of clean eating, lots of hydration, tons of working out, and plenty of sleep! Email: today to get involved!
  2. Our first annual IN-HOUSE Comp will be Saturday, February 6th. Sign up on the whiteboard at the gym! Workouts are guaranteed to challenge you, test you, push you, AND get you ready for the 2016 CrossFit Open. 
  3. On Superbowl Sunday, please join us for a Paleo Potluck style Super Bowl party at 6PM! Please bring a favorite dish/treat/drink to share. 
  4. The CrossFit Open begins February 25th and will run until March 28th. If you are unfamiliar with the CrossFit Open, this is the first stage of the CrossFit Games season. For 5 weeks, CrossFit HQ will test your capacity through 5+ grueling workouts. This is an awesome opportunity to gather our community and push each other to our limits- for some of us, we may find what those limits actually are, and for others, you may surpass all expectations and surprise yourself every week. It is an opportunity to see how far you have come in a year and to see what you may need to work on in the coming year. We will be running these workouts every Friday Night from 6:30PM-9PM aka FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS. After 5 weeks of representing your gym, region, age group, etc., only the top 20 male/female athletes from each region will advance to the Regional events. These events are 3 days of grueling workouts for a chance to move on to California for the CrossFit Games. At the Regionals, only the top 5 male/females will advance to the CrossFit Games. To learn more about the CrossFit Open/Regionals/Games, visit: for more information! Also use this link to register for the 2016 CrossFit Open. Choose CrossFit Speakeasy as your Affiliate and Team and lets have an awesome 2016 Season!

The Week Ahead:

Monday- Heavy Thruster + Heavy Breathing

Tuesday- Gymnastics, Gymnastics, Gymnastics

Wednesday- Back squats + EMOM

Thursday- Supersets and DT

Friday- Snatch/Clean and Jerk

Saturday- Endurance 8am, 9am WOD, 10:30 IN HOUSE COMP! 

Sunday- Barbell + Open Gym + Superbowl Party 6PM

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